Services at SoftXWays

Cloud and Devops

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Head in the clouds

At SoftXways, we offer our assistance for tasks related to cloud designing, cloud solutions, cloud development or cloud administration. We believe that the cloud technology is here to stay with high growth potential and new possibilities constantly emerging for a customized solution.

We are determined to use tools to execute projects in the most effective way possible. To provide you with the best product based on cloud technology, we apply practices and tools of DevOps, which facilitate a strong alignment between processes. DevOps ensures that all processes are automated and integrated across software development and IT teams involved in the projects.

This practice allows us to continuously improve and evolve within the world of IT, as the effectiveness of DevOps shortens the system development cycle and results in a fast project execution without any decrease in quality.

Contact us for a talk about how the practices of DevOps can help secure your successful cloud solution.

Head in the clouds

At SoftXways, we offer our assistance for tasks related to cloud designing, cloud solutions, cloud development or cloud administration. We believe that the cloud technology is here to stay with high growth potential and new possibilities constantly emerging for a customized solution.

We are determined to use tools to execute projects in the most effective way possible. To provide you with the best product based on cloud technology, we apply practices and tools of DevOps, which facilitate a strong alignment between processes. DevOps ensures that all processes are automated and integrated across software development and IT teams involved in the projects.

This practice allows us to continuously improve and evolve within the world of IT, as the effectiveness of DevOps shortens the system development cycle and results in a fast project execution without any decrease in quality.

Contact us for a talk about how the practices of DevOps can help secure your successful cloud solution.

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